Thursday, April 25, 2013

Special Needs Adoption.

Is it for you?  I am the mom of a child with autism, with other common conditions.  People ask me every day how we do it?  How we do what?  Be parents? 

We adopted our son as an infant.  The agency we used was filled with corrupt owners and workers.  The social workers were great, and helped us out immensely.  They withheld a bunch of medical history that actually classified our son as special needs.  But some agencies are not known for their honesty. 

We were lucky, we knew part of his birthfamily before they decided that he was not worth their time anymore, and were kind enough to share some history.  It took years of running to this doctor, that doctor, try this med, have this test done, losing this friend and that friend because of the behaviour they could not understand, or they did not want to understand,etc. until we found that perfect combination of everything! 

A mental health worker once told me that adoptive parents learn to resent their adopted children, or do not consider their needs on the same level as birth children.  I guess I really do not understand that, as I have no biological child, and I have never regretted my decision to adopt my child.  I do not believe I would have done anything differently for my child if he had come from my DNA.  Do you think this could be you?  Could you love a child for no other reason that they need it?  Do you see yourself being a child's teacher, advocate, coach, parent, and one that provides that child with unconditional love?  If you think that you can love a child that is in need? Please adopt.  It does not matter where from as there are children all over the world that need homes.  It's the wildest ride you will ever have, and also the greatest accomplishment.  So blessed with our son!

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